This new Bon Débarras show highlights the reference points and core values that the band has relied on for its creative process since its beginnings. Identity bearings, geographical markers, linguistic and cultural reference points – these are “repères” in French. But most of all, encounters and discoveries leading to lyrics (Joséphine Bacon, Gaston Miron, Simon Gauthier, Gilles Vigneault) and musical collaborations (Michel Faubert, Philippe Leblanc, Robin Leblanc, Cédric Dind-Lavoie). The trio relies also on various inner hideouts, dens or “repaires”, multifaceted references forged through encounters, travels and life experiences. Their repères – milestones and markers – anchor solidly the band’s music in Quebec traditions while giving it a touch of the world around the corner. From their repaires – hideaways, havens of refuge –, they come out with a renewed energy irresistibly calling for dancing!